About Us

Rob White, PA
Rob White, PA

With the current economic situation, Robert noticed that many individuals, both employed and unemployed, couldn’t afford basic medical insurance. Even those that were employed and had medical insurance are having a hard time paying the higher out of pocket deductibles many of their employers are now implementing. He also spoke to many small business owners that were troubled because they couldn’t afford to offer their employees any type of medical coverage. It was at that point when he developed the Direct Family Care membership program.

Robert is the CEO/Clinical Director and Founder of the Direct Family Care membership program. He is a retired Army Flight Surgeon with 23 years of military service. He graduated with a Master of Health Science from South College Physician Assistant Program’s Inaugural Class of 2009 in Knoxville, TN and finished his undergrad studies at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. Since starting his career as a Physician Assistant, he has worked in Emergency Medicine, Family Practice, Pediatrics, GeroPsych, and Aviation Medicine.

Supervising Physician (Available Remotely)
Jerry Bradley, MD